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In-person event at RAMA NYC: Learn about Gene Keys and the important current alignments for collective awakening. Experience affirmations (vow breaks) that relate to the themes of victimization/freedom, to break with subconscious beliefs and cultural programming. Reinvigorate with potent living light activations.

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We are discussing the influences this month, as always what is being sown into the consciousness field at the New moon remains the underlying energy for the whole month. With the sun and moon emanating the Unexpected Thunderstorm, we can be sure that things may come at us out of the blue!

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Just like the lunar month can be divided into 8 main phases, the year as a whole can also be seen through the same stages: new moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, third quarter, and waning crescent. We’re now in the third quarter, coming into the waning crescent phase, and preparing for the new lunar year, on March 21st…

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Today we started off with the topic of the German folkloric custom of the Rauh Naechte the 12 nights between Christmas and New Year leading into a discussion about archetypes and fairytales and of course Sabian Symbols Astrology - "The time between the end of December and early January with a window of 12 holy days between Christmas Day and Dreikönigstag – Epiphany...January 6th Twelfthide, in English, the season of Epiphany."

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