What is heart-based reality?

When we realize that we are truly powerful creator beings, when we inner-stand that we are creating reality every moment consciously and unconsciously, according to spiritual law and quantum physics, the law of resonance and the uncertainty principle, then it must be true that a group of beings can consciously create higher vibrational experiences and strengthen a new heart-based reality blueprint for the collective. Let’s streamline our efforts, if you are reading this chances are you have a role to play in this awesome ascension plan.

Holistic, Integral, and Transformative

Conscious creation only works once our being is cleared of the subconscious mind’s disharmonies, shadow frequencies, and also energetic attachments, entities, etc. 

During my journey, I experienced that the Kundalini awakening process is just the beginning of this clearing process leading us into a dark abyss, it’s the hero’s journey, that finally leads to the burning, releasing, and transmuting of the darker frequencies through integration: This is an alchemical process that is guiding us over many years, and maybe lifetimes at an archetypal level. 

However, in this lifetime we collectively stated that we are ready to activate our light body, that we are ready to reconnect with our original divine blueprint, that we were disconnected from at some point in the journey of mankind.

To do that we need to care for ourselves at every level: diet, detox, exercise for the physical body, strengthening our nervous system (etheric body) burning off obsolete emotions and thoughts (mental and emotional body) releasing finer imprints, soul lineage, soul contracts, soul learning, (spiritual body and higher subtle bodies) this is mainly about taking responsibility and conscious choice. And if we want to take a shortcut, we can work at the DNA level through initiations and higher light transmissions, that has been my path, not the easiest. 

We all complement each other and can help each other at various levels of this journey. That’s the idea of KHORA to offer a holistic approach, integrating all the levels of being into the process of transformation. The unseen as well as the manifest.

The Hero’s Journey- from Dark to Light

When I was going through my dark night(s) of the soul, I thought that no one else should ever have to go through this alone and the idea was born to create a place for awakening individuals who can support each other with all the tools and knowledge they individually received through their own process.

A sacred place, where we hold space for the darkness that emerges during the process. A place where we can share our experiences with everyone who is on this path, to help each other through this process more smoothly, creating a bubble of light that envelops us all safely and lovingly as we go through the chrysalis over time.

A place where we have compassionate experts helping us through a Kundalini awakening, guiding us through the bio-physical, emotional, and spiritual symptoms, a space where we have someone to whisper in our ears, that it’s all ok it’s part of the process, all will be alright.

Authenticity and Expertise

Out of this thought over many years finally emerged KHORA: a small collective of healers, students, and teachers, all of us are going through our process and we are supporting each other. We don’t claim to have all the answers but we can help each other move into our next highest step with more ease and grace at whatever level of awakening we are in our journey.  

Indeed, KHORA is meant to be a virtual space with physical components for healing and regeneration as we collectively uncover the divine blueprint and reconnect and realign with source energy, creation, God, Brahman, Ha Shem, Allah whatever name applies for you. 

This brings me to another component; Faith. 

Faith and Certainty

As long as we are in duality and separation consciousness every great teaching can be corrupted, and so have many of our religious texts been misused to control the masses and distract us from our true divine source within, however as we study those texts at a deeper level we realize how much truth and divinity is encapsulated in those teachings, through sound, letters, mantras, light is encoded everywhere we just have to have the desire to find it. 

That’s why we work with these texts and teachings, which still hold true today and can be a valid spiritual practice, in addition to the many channeled new age teachings. These sacred vibrations can be experienced as well as intuited through your journey of the heart, slowly transforming our negative nature, layer by layer.

Spirituality is not a quick fix, but we are in a time of great acceleration of consciousness development. There are many tools, and we’re here to help you find the ones that are right for you, maybe you want to share yours with us! We look forward to seeing you and meeting you in our healing and meeting rooms, and please get in touch anytime, send us an email, or inquire about our daily and weekly events.

Lastly, this platform only just emerged and is still coming through the birth canal, if you like what we’re doing sign up for the newsletter, join our free and donation-based events in our member areas, follow us on social media.