These past 2 years have led me through a process of great transformation, a deepening of previous and new spiritual studies, mainly Kabbalah, Zohar, Gene Keys, Astrology, and all in all, an initiation into what I would now call the living Kabbalah, immersed in the cycles and seasons of nature, the sun, the moon, and the stars. Overall, I’m incredibly grateful for this process, which is far from over.


The Sabian Symbols are 360 keys, half-sentences conjuring mental images, that correspond to each of the 360 degrees of the wheel of the zodiac. Each one of these Symbols has a unique energy field and can enlighten us to more precise interpretations, and predictions of both the macro and the micro: world events and our personal potential and destiny. Much like the gene keys, they seem to hold the blueprint of our soul and its archetypal imprinting, and just with our desire to feel into the quality of time through the Sabians, you can find important clues that can enable you to actualize and manifest a higher potential: May we as one soul embrace the magic of the world that is coming and move out of the mind prisons of the dissolving paradigm.

About 4 years ago, I moved from bustling NYC and my relatively normal life to a mountain ridge upstate NY. I was led by dreams that showed me that I needed to move upstate, and I saw my house in a few visions before ever setting foot on this mountain, I knew I had to be here.

9 months after my move the pandemic hit…still, that was not the only reason, so I asked a mentor and psychic, and she said: you will give birth to a big creative project, and you need to be outside of normal social life for that. Things became more challenging after the pandemic, I felt the urge to go back to “normal”, especially in the winter, I became depressed and saw my surroundings and life through the eyes of doom and gloom.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s beautiful, a rough beauty, but more often than not this environment is rather challenging: Howling winds in the fall and spring, desolate grey-ness, and gruesome cold determine the 7 months long winters. In stark contrast to the darkness of winter, the sudden, gorgeous summers give respite and always manage to restore my faith in the inherent goodness of nature and life….but in the end, the main lesson was to appreciate the winter, the darkness, and all the challenges, and experience joy despite the uncertainty that was accompanying me during those last 3 years.

In fact, the Sabian symbol that came as a response when I asked what I needed to learn from staying and that led me through the experience alongside the wisdom of Kabbalah, was TAURUS 0/1: A CLEAR MOUNTAIN STREAM: Purity of motive, joyously flowing trusting the spiritual sustenance, following my spirit, despite the rocky riverbed, the relentless challenges.

These past 2 years then have led me through a process of great transformation, a deepening of previous and new spiritual studies, mainly Kabbalah, Zohar, Gene Keys, Astrology, and all in all, an initiation into what I would now call the living Kabbalah, immersed in the cycles and seasons of nature, the sun, the moon, and the stars. Overall, I’m incredibly grateful for this process, which is far from over…

Led by the weekly Torah portions, and the Sabian Symbols of essential dates, new moons, full moons, eclipses, and number portal days, I slowly sank into the abyss of the supernatural realms: Uncannily accurate visions, clear messages in my dreams and conversations with my guides through Tarot would dictate what I needed to work on every day, in the inner and the outer.

As I began to connect all the beautiful threads of wisdom I found myself synchronistically led (as if) by magic. I was instructed not to leave the mountain, for this process to work I needed to be here, without any real interruption. And because of this isolation, I felt like I was at the very pulse of time, I was experiencing these energies at my core and often quite literally.

Sometimes I would fall into trance-like states, that lasted longer than practically advisable (!) but led me to completely embrace the inner guidance and synchronicities of what often seemed like a parallel reality. The lesson was, to fully participate with this other reality as being real, letting go of the duality of the tree of knowledge reality, and doing so opened me up not only to the literal magic and mysteries of this mountain but also to the inner workings of time, and particularly also the wisdom of the Sabian Symbols:

When we look at these symbols a little closer many of them seem to relate to concepts of the wisdom of Kabbalah, and while I’m no expert, the synchronistic experiences continually lead me to an intuitive understanding that conveys sometimes more than the meanings that have been ascribed to them so far. In this Library, I will add some of these additional insights in the description and encode them in the images as well. However, if you want to learn more about Kabbalah specifically, I highly recommend TKC.

Where do the Sabian Symbols originate?

In 1925 psychic medium Elsie Wheeler, and American astrologer, Marc Edmund Jones, received a set of 360 images from a source that she identified as the Sabians, a mystic people of stargazers, who were said to reside in Mesopotamia, present-day Turkey, and Syria.

I first happened onto the Sabian Symbols, when I found Laura Walker’s Oracle Report, I then religiously followed her work for every new moon since 2015. Analyzing the astrology of the Sabians more in-depth this past year, in addition to everything else, the Symbols began coming very alive, through telepathic messages, dreams, and animals, and sometimes their energy would manifest quite literally physically in 3D.

Intrigued, and sometimes, quite frankly unsettled by this process, I have been receiving additional meanings, as I experienced them up close, and I want to share these new meanings, we live in a very different world from the time when I moved up here, almost a year before the pandemic, and now, 3 and a half years later. So much was and is visible in these symbols, for the personal and collective destinies, when we dare to look deeper.

It’s not surprising that one of the major influences that led me on this path happened when Pluto was at the Sabian Symbol of CAPRICORN 23/24 “A WOMAN ENTERING A CONVENT, and this same symbol is being discharged by Mercury today, the planet of communication, as I am writing this, there are no coincidences in life….!

No doubt, the creation of a SABIAN SYMBOLS LIBRARY will be a big part of the greater work that is coming through, and I’m excited to bring more to the table when the time is right.

I hope you follow us on this journey into the fabric of time, and that you derive the answers and insights you are looking for, as we test and expand on these additional meanings in our group meditations. We all are incredibly powerful creator beings, only held hostage by collective and personal subconscious emotions, beliefs, fears, and their projections, but the time of freedom is here.