Posts tagged living light

In-person event at RAMA NYC: Learn about Gene Keys and the important current alignments for collective awakening. Experience affirmations (vow breaks) that relate to the themes of victimization/freedom, to break with subconscious beliefs and cultural programming. Reinvigorate with potent living light activations.

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2/16/22: TRANSMISSIONS for the Grand Cross & Full Moon in Leo with Dr. Melissa Crane

Today is nothing short of epic: We have an exceptional portal into the heart-based reality, or as Laura Walker at the Oracle Report coined it, the Second Renaissance: The full moon in leo is coming in strong, with a grand cross between south/north node and sun and moon, all squaring each other, while Pluto is conjunct Mars and Venus.

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About the Living Light

The Living Light energy is a higher dimensional divine energy that can be attuned to with the ultimate goal being enlightenment, samadhi, and union with the divine / our own divinity in a practical way. It prepares the physical body and astral bodies to hold more light and bring down our divine consciousness. It is transformation, some may want to call it ascension into Lightbody, personally, I perceive it as a descension, or incension, as we integrate the higher consciousness fields in our physical body moving from Kether to Malkuth if we want to refer to the Kabbalistic terminology.

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As we move collectively more deeply into the experience of separation and Duality the only “way out” of Duality is through seeing duality, and then (paradoxically) accepting it. If you are already 100% in your heart at all times you don’t need to see this, but if you are like me using the mind and the outside experience which is also the mind, to consciously move into the heart again and again, then it may be helpful to read on.

LOVE conquers all

As I’m learning to remember who I am and why I’m here, peeling the proverbial onion, i realize that there are 3 pillars of love:

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