We started the lunar year with a flock of wild geese, and Chiron has now come to this same degree, supporting our healing of everything that has happened so far through love.
The BML transit through Cancer is coming to an end, heralding a collective awakening, as we were led to experience and embrace our darkest shadows during the past 9 months…
Quoting wise goose Melissa and her vision of the symbol of the three stained glass windows, one being damaged: "shattering the lenses of the previous reality to let in the light of the cycles of the sun..."
Happy Solstice, happy New Moon in Capricorn and so much Love for this beautiful Holiday Season, and the New Numerological Year!
We’re bracing for another big storm up here on the mountain, so I hope I will be able to send these greetings before I lose wifi…:)
Please enjoy the audio about the Astrology of the Sabian Symbols for this new moon of Capricorn, note that these energies may be in effect longer, because every time we hit important dates, such as the solstice window that we are in still in right now, the underlying energies may be felt a few weeks prior to the event and lingering on afterward for a few weeks, and maybe months. Needless to say, the times we live in are incredibly powerful, a grand awakening is happening, heralding the return to love and magic, the magic of love, divine love. Thank you all for being part of our growing community, Happy Holidays!
With much Gratitude,