Posts tagged new moon

The main symbols all suggest that we need discernment, temperance, and care this month while doing our work. A lot can be healed, ancient karmic debt can be resolved before we move swiftly into the new astrological lunar year on March 21st. This month is a month of healing, of sharing ourselves, and our gifts, and of being mindful of our environment, and potential pitfalls and distractions.

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NEW MOON OF ARIES: The New Lunar Year seen through the Sabian Symbols

The New Moon in Aries is the beginning of the astrological lunar year, and therefore a seed point: The influences of the planets on this day will be felt throughout the whole year, like an imprint revealing a bigger picture, one of a grand spiritual awakening.

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Every new moon leaves an energetic imprint for the whole lunar cycle, the overall picture of the planetary alignments sheds light on the themes or baseline occurrences, things we need to be aware of during this next cycle.

The following are the planetary energy imprints for this new lunar month as we can understand them through the wisdom of the Sabian Symbols

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