Posts in sabian symbols

Pluto’s Journey, from Religious Conflict to Unity Consciousness

On May 1, 2023, Pluto began its retrograde from 0°21’ Aquarius : An Old Adobe mission (Religion) to 27°58 Capricorn: A large Aviary, ("ascending" humanity) on October 11th, 2023. With hindsight it is always easier to see that the writing has been on the wall all along, expressed in the Pluto retrograde journey - over the past 6 months..

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Eclipse P(r)ep Talk May 5th 2023

The Lunar Eclipse is coming up! May 5th 2023 at 1.34PM ET. Eclipses reveal what we were not conscious of, personal and collective shadows may come to the light to be seen and integrated. The eclipse season will lead us into another 6 months of this process of unveiling, and this time it is accompanied by Pluto- the planet of transformation and higher learning as it is squaring the nodes of fate.

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The main symbols all suggest that we need discernment, temperance, and care this month while doing our work. A lot can be healed, ancient karmic debt can be resolved before we move swiftly into the new astrological lunar year on March 21st. This month is a month of healing, of sharing ourselves, and our gifts, and of being mindful of our environment, and potential pitfalls and distractions.

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