Participating with MIRACLES
…a story about transforming pain into opportunity
Photo by Rod Lamborn
Do You believe in miracles?
I used to run a Fashion PR Showroom in NYC. In 2012 I was diagnosed with Endometriosis, IBS, and PCOS (giant cysts) I suffered incredible pain for 16 months straight, almost every day, I could not work, was bedridden, I couldn’t keep down any food, (or painkillers for that matter) and even though I was gradually feeling better, through diet and the great guidance of a holistic counselor, 2 weeks out of the month, the pain was still atrocious. It was simply unbearable.
As I’m writing this, I am 11 years absolutely pain-free, and I can eat everything, although I am more mindful of my diet, and what’s more, I’m finally able to share my experience and the miraculous healing with you.
At the time, I was desperate I had tried everything, shadow work, emotional releases, energy healing, I gave myself reiki a lot, and everything contributed to a gradual positive change, the cysts even shrank a little…but the miraculous healing happened because of something entirely different:
After yet another episode of extreme pain, I screamed into my pillow, so that the neighbors wouldn’t hear me - God, what do you want me to do? If you want me to fulfill my life’s purpose, I have to be pain-free, I cannot do anything in this condition…! To my big surprise, minutes later, I received an answer: Do the opposite of what you have been doing…
What? What have I been doing? Oh, I get it, I have been fighting the pain.. what’s the opposite? …Surrender …of course, I see before my inner eye the words: resistance creates more resistance, and every force creates an equal counter force. Ok, I get it..I’ll do anything, show me how!
Over the next hour, I was guided to use my breath to deeply surrender into the pain, ...breathing in pain, …breathing out pain… other mantras followed naturally, but always in utter devotion to the waves of pain, that ripped through my womb, until they eventually lessened. I fell asleep. The following night I repeated the mantras, it helped. Somewhat.
The following day I was scheduled for my third healing session with Judith K Moore. This time she led me into the inner realms, and we found the source of my pain: a demonic thoughtform, an entity that has ruled over women’s pain, and suffering, for millennia… I don’t want to overwhelm you with more details, suffice it to say that we were able to defeat this being. The pain was gone instantly. Completely gone until this very moment.
Because I experienced within my own body just how much the unseen realms, ie our subconscious and conscious beliefs, emotions, ancestral trauma, but also thought forms and other dimensional beings, influence our health and well-being, I realized that I had an obligation to share this experience with others, so that they could heal.
About a year after my sudden healing experience, I had a spontaneous awakening, an out-of-body experience, and an encounter with a very powerful energy, that is best understood through the lens of Kabbalah, the Living Light.
Over the past 8 years, this energy has taught me how it wants to serve, it is not like reiki but instead works on the inner planes, where all the root causes for all that we experience reside. Anyone can work with this energy if they have the desire for it, and if their nervous system is ready for it. If you are here, it may mean that by the law of resonance, you are ready…
My priorities had shifted, and throughout the last few years, despite my roots in Hinduism, and Sikhism, the light has guided me to deepen my spiritual studies with a focus on Kabbalah, Sabian Symbols, and the Gene Keys.
Many years later, I discovered another reason for the healing experience through my Kabbalah studies: Explaining physical pain as the necessary cleansing of our soul from karmic baggage, and other impurities. When we fully accept the cleansing, and surrender to the pain, there can be a miracle. Additionally, the timing of my moment of surrender happened right before the Kabbalistic New Year, the perfect time for such a cleansing.
Throughout this awakening journey, I was guided to discover incredible tools, we all can use, even if we are not all healers, or psychics. These tools are fundamental to every aspect of our well-being, and any area in our life, whether that is love, health, relationships, finances, or work, it doesn’t matter.
When I was going through my awakening process I did not have a lot of support, and I dreamt of a community where we could support each other in this sometimes heavy process.
The tools I’m sharing with you in our classes, and group meditations are fun but not to be taken lightly, they are incredibly powerful: Some of them I received from different teachers, others I received through telepathic guidance: I have been using them for a very long time to recreate my reality, and more importantly to continuously work towards my soul’s purpose to serve, empower, uplift, and help you do the same!