Online/Interactive Course for Spiritual Hygiene & Energy Protection
The KHORA HEART AWAKENING HEALING COURSE organically emerged through daily group meditations and is built on 20 years of spiritual study, and the practical application of ancient wisdom centered around the energy of the Living Light, source energy.
The veils are lifting and with the awakening of our psychic abilities, we need to learn to navigate these unchartered waters. I invite you to join me, as you activate your divine compass with this training, through working with the Living Light. The Living Light is a powerful energy, and the 3 modules I created are preparing your body and nervous system to embrace this energy of Divine blessings, culminating with the Living Light initiation in the third module.
Module 1: Co-creating with Source Consciousness
Prepares your mental and emotional body, through guided meditations, activations, and many practical tools.
Module 2: Cosmic Heart Awakening
Focuses on the etheric body, and comes with living light and Gene Keys activations, applying and building on everything you learned in Module 1.
Pre-requisite: LIVING LIGHT REIKI 1&2 or regular Reiki I+II
Module 3: Living Light Awakening
Learn about the origins of the Living Light Energy, and how to use it, learn the symbols, and get initiated into the Living Light.
This is not a simple energy initiation, it’s an awakening into your Divine Self, and your life will not be the same. It’s not an easy journey, and you want to be prepared for the ride, but it is the journey that many of us came here for to help the collective raise the vibration and create a heart-based reality.
The first module Cleansing the Projector Lens provides effective tools to make the unconscious conscious. It forms the basis for a new understanding of holographic reality, in service to the whole. The tools will help anyone navigate the other realms even if you are not psychic or don’t think you are. Everyone is waking up, the veil is lifting and we need each other to find our way back to source.
If any of this resonates, let’s chat, book a free intro call, or join us in the KHORA group meditations on WEMUSMEET.
I can’t wait to meet you!
Much Love,
“Corinna! You're such an amazing teacher and I'm thankful for you each day. I reflect on the past year and how I've blossomed since coming to Khora and taking your course. You're changing lives and you should be proud of that! We all love and value you so much.”
Davind V.Taylor
The weekly group meetings will give you lots of time to practice and talk about your experiences, repeating patterns that are difficult to overcome, ask questions, and experience the support of our wonderful community. Additionally, you will have access to the replays that will be emailed to you within 24 hours.
Tuesdays and Fridays 9.30 AM ET 6.30 AM PT 3.30 PM CET
I’m excited for you to join us, and if you have any questions, reach out to me directly with any questions or book a call.
“Corinna, thank you for the immeasurable light that you bring to the world, the spaces you hold & the classes you teach. Your healing nature, your healing energy, your love, cannot be replicated in any other person, space or time.” Marlen O.
The Living Light energy is higher dimensional divine energy: we attune to it with the ultimate goal being transformation and enlightenment: some may want to call it ascension into Lightbody, personally, I perceive it as a descension, or incension, as we integrate the higher consciousness fields in our physical body moving from Kether to Malkuth if we want to refer to the Kabbalistic terminology.
Corinna Springer AKA Gian Kamal is a New York-based energy practitioner, reiki master/teacher, mystery school initiate, and author.
Portrait: Rod Lamborn