Posts tagged james burgess
NEW MOON OF ARIES: The New Lunar Year seen through the Sabian Symbols

The New Moon in Aries is the beginning of the astrological lunar year, and therefore a seed point: The influences of the planets on this day will be felt throughout the whole year, like an imprint revealing a bigger picture, one of a grand spiritual awakening.

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THE SABIAN SYMBOLS: What are they?

“The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 phrases of words that correspond with each of the 360 degrees of the wheel of the zodiac, from Aries 1 to Pisces 30. The ancients divided up the sky, just like any other circle, into 360 degrees. They assigned each of the 12 constellations (zodiac signs) 30 degrees each: 12 times 30 = 360. Each one of these Symbols holds both a story and a unique energy field of their own.

Image Credit: Smithsonian: Goebekli Tepe

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