The new moon of Pisces is at Pisces 1/2: A squirrel hiding from hunters- When i first looked at that symbol it just seemed somewhat inconspicuous. I did not pay much attention to it, until a few months ago when I saw that it was coming up for this new moon. When I don’t feel an immediate draw i tend to look at the corresponding gene key, and low and behold, it corresponds to one of the most important gene keys - the 55th gene key. There needed to be more to the squirrel than just the skittishness, and potential danger… i let the symbol come in, and at one point it all came together, the deeper meaning was revealed.

And it’s amazing, and you can read more about it in the library.

The main symbols this month all suggest that discernment, temperance, and care are needed while getting on with our work.

A lot can be healed, ancient karmic debt can be resolved before we move swiftly into the new astrological lunar year on March 21st. This month is a month of healing, of sharing ourselves, and our gifts, and of being mindful of our environment, and potential pitfalls and distractions.

Listen to the audio, we cover so much more and our wise squirrel Melissa is leading the most beautiful channeled meditation to activate the Divine Feminine within.

You can listen on Patreon, as always the new moon posts are public, enjoy!

Audio New moon of Pisces & Guided Meditation