This full moon we have the sun at Aquarius 16-17° "A watchdog standing guard"

The unexpected thunderstorm the Sabian Symbol that started this lunar month is coming to its fullest expression during the full moon: Tension has been released, or is being released, and the terrible earthquakes in Syria and Turkey could, unfortunately, be related to this theme.

Jung as well as the Kabbalists believe that the underlying tensions and strong emotions in the collective unconscious of humanity seek their expression often through natural disasters. And it is only through observing and establishing a track record of cause and effect over time, like Laura Walker at the Oraclereport has done that we can see with great precision how the Sabian symbols, which are expressions of the archetypal forces, are indeed related to world events.

The Moon is in Leo 16-17°: "A nonvested church choir"

Mercury in. Capricorn 22-23° "Two awards for bravery in war"

Venus in Pisces 12-13° "A sword in a museum"