Eclipse P(r)ep Talk May 5th 2023

ECLIPSE P(R)EP TALK by Corinna Springer

The Lunar Eclipse is coming up! May 5th 2023 at 1.34PM ET. Eclipses reveal what we were not conscious of, personal and collective shadows may come to the light to be seen and integrated. The eclipse season will lead us into another 6 months of this process of unveiling, and this time it is accompanied by Pluto- planet of transformation and higher learning as it is squaring the nodes of fate. Both the eclipse and the square started around the same time and will go hand in hand over these next 6 months to bring us to the other side…Pluto will dip back into Capricorn, and the nodes will finally shift onto a new axis- Aries-Libra. All during this eclipse season. Hold on tight, or rather, let go…!

You may already be feeling some tension, maybe physical symptoms, it’s normal in this in-between eclipses time, perfectly normal. Depending on where / which house this eclipse hits you, things are shifting and changing, and this one will most likely uncover some emotions, and lead to a breaking free of the old.

This eclipse is going to happen with the moon at 14 degrees of Scorpio, and the sun at 14 degrees of Taurus:

This is the second half of the one we just had at 29 Aries, at the anuretic degree- the degree of fate.

This will be a fated change, especially as Pluto is squaring the nodes for the 6-month or longer window of this eclipse.

In the Sabian Symbol overview below, we go through the main Sabian Symbols and their underlying energies of this eclipse, and possible interpretations. It’s an excerpt from one of our daily meetings.

Sabian Smbol astrology as well as the Gene Keys give us another lens of what may be happening in our lives, without needing to fully understand the astrological calculations behind it:

Because everything is holographic and will carry the same signatures: The Sabian symbols help us to understand potential bigger-picture scenarios, and the gene keys can shed light on our psycho-spiritual make-up. These mental and emotional layers are awakened with every new seed point, new moon, eclipse, etc in our lives, especially when we allow this process to happen consciously.

The gene keys that are activated with this eclipse season are the 3rd and 50th, as well as with this upcoming lunar eclipse the 27th and 28th. If you want to know how to work with the Gene Keys and see how these eclipses are affecting you, through your chart, I’m more than happy to work with you 1-1.

Collective themes of selflessness, purging our thinking from enemy patterning, and judgment of others. Even if they have done something bad, even if we feel like we are “better” than others- we all are the same and this eclipse season will bring this message home more fully.

Listen in for some Sabian symbols and energy signatures for this second Eclipse May 5th, follow along:

As this eclipse season has a lot to do with uncovering old beliefs, I thought that I would offer Akashic Record Readings again for more clarity and a bigger picture…