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The upcoming Mars Venus Conjunction on February 22nd 2024 will happen at this degree.

A child born out of an eggshell can point generally to sudden mutations, maybe multiple processes that gestated over a long period have now ripened, instead of going through a linear graduation process - there could be a quantum leap. A total reset, a revolutionary jump in consciousness. This new state will be far advanced and will need to be accepted and understood. While the shift has happened and can be seen and witnessed, the common consensus reality will need to adapt and honor these changes.

More specifically the Symbol speaks about the characteristic traits of the new children, the indigo, rainbow, and crystal children. These children are hypersensitive, they bring with them a new way of being, that may need special care and nurturing. They are more fragile, and since they are less used to our upside-down world, they will question our attitudes, and teach us a completely new understanding of love.

These are often new souls, who have never incarnated on earth before, or very old souls returning from the distant past.

In a reading, this symbol can come up when special care, more love, and higher understanding are necessary, to solve a situation or a relationship: the usual approach may not work, it will require unconditional love, acute listening, and heart-centered communication.

More generally this symbol can refer to a project, that may need more time before it is ready.

At a physical level, you may need some extra self-care, rest, relaxation, thorough hydration, and a proper diet.

Quantum leap, consciousness expansion, mutations, sudden manifestation, new paradigm, fragility, new life, innocence, hypersensitivity, caution, patience, nurturing, need for protection, being ahead of the curve, individualistic, original, going against the grain, children as teachers.