A squirrel hiding from hunters may refer to survival in a hostile environment: the compromise of needing to be out and about to bring in sustenance, while needing to be careful, flexible, and fast to retreat.
Doing some research this symbol as someone’s natal sun for example seems to often highlight a person who is skittish and a little shy. But there is so much more to this symbol:
Interestingly, this Sabian Symbol corresponds to the 55th Gene Key: According to Richard Rudd this is one of the most important gene keys, that is being activated in our current time. And especially with this new moon of Pisces, on February 19th 2023.
The Shadow Frequency of the 55th Gene key is Victimization, the gift is Freedom, and the divine gift is also Freedom.
The shadow of victimization states, that I am a victim of my circumstances, that things should be different, there is an inherent quality of judgment. When we see through the eyes of this shadow, as most humans do- we see duality, black and white, and very often we are unhappy with our lives, even if they look great to an outsider, we tend to complain about things, and that’s just human nature.
Through the astrology of our times, we are slowly shifting our perspective from the why me?-mentality to seeing the bigger picture, aligning with spirit, and retrieving the gift of the 55th Gene key, freedom:
Freedom from judgment, freedom from reacting to our circumstances, from negative self-talk, fear, poverty etc…freedom from all the stresses of our age.
The pressure and overwhelming negativity of the last decades of the Kali Yuga are needed to break open this shell, this frequency fence, and retrieve the light, the gift of freedom.
The entire work of the gene keys consists of transmuting the shadow frequency, through acceptance, contemplation, and potentially revisiting painful memories, to then realize the lesson behind it. What can I learn from this, why is this happening? This attitude of gratitude and understanding leads us to a very different frequency. Our work with the shadow frequency can symbolically be understood as the cracking of the shells, kabbalistically referred to as the klippot.
Through our cracking of the nuts we are retrieving the light sparks, the gift that is inherent in our soul, and quite literally held prisoner in the shadow frequency of the DNA.
Now what does that have to do with our squirrel?
Humanity is like a squirrel that is cracking open the nut, the klippot, and, the hunters, could be any danger that keeps us from our conscious work with the shadow frequencies - not just the 55th gene key.
This could be externalized through the distractions of life, our need to survive, make a living, etc anything that impedes our conscious work with the shadow.
In gnostic terms, the hunters could be the archetypal shadow frequencies, the fallen gods that operate through the unseen realms and more often than not, try to get us off the path through interference, and opposition.
When this symbol comes up for you, you may want to ask yourself, if there are any specific events, relationships, and or beliefs that hold you back, that keep you in the shadow of victimhood.
How could you potentially go deeper? Go to the root of these shadows? Where do you need to compromise and where do you feel safe, happy, and good enough to not compromise your dreams, your goals your vision of life, what do you need to master, before you can get there? Which nuts need to be cracked?
Please comment, I would love to hear your feedback since this is indeed quite an important Sabian Symbol.