Something has built up and it can no longer be contained, it needs an outlet, and it needs to be discharged.

Is there a matter we have not been paying attention to, something we were not able to hear?

One word that seems to reveal the essence of this symbol is HUMILITY. Remembering that we are not in control and that things happen that are beyond our scope. A higher divine plan is always unfolding, and like this thunderstorm, we may have some insights, briefly into that higher plan. Can we retain these insights? Will they change our perception? Or will they be fleeting, like a dream?

With this symbol, the insights may likely stay with us and help us make better decisions, embrace our soul’s journey or at least come closer to identifying the plot line of the bigger plan. How does your work, your life, fit into the bigger picture? How can you be in service to the whole?

This symbol also implies that we may need to be prepared, flexible, and withstand challenges through spiritual growth. After the storm passes, with renewed understanding, there will be peace.

At a physical level, the energy of the symbol can be experienced as body electricity, the planetary body is raising its vibration, and so are we: We are transmuting the denser layers of self and separation consciousness to embrace and build our light body. The nervous system needs to adapt to the influx of the new light codes that are streaming in from the galactic center, and the solar flares add to raising the Schumann resonance of the earth in sometimes sudden leaps, causing all sorts of bodily symptoms, also called ascension symptoms: headaches, waking up in the middle of the night, seeing angel numbers, dizziness, heart palpitations, trouble sleeping etc….

We need to support our physical body during this process with a proper diet, enough water, grounding in nature, and JOY. Check out Lightbody Activation Basics for more information on this process.

Yet another even deeper meaning comes to mind when we contemplate how the Kabbalists teach about the receiving of the ten utterances - the ten commandments at Mount Sinai. It is described as light and sound, an incredibly strong energy, that many of the Israelites could not handle. This leads to further exploration of the kabbalistic meaning of the Ten Commandments, they are laws, and if we don’t understand them we risk plungeing further into chaos and density. The Ten Commandments are the scientific laws of the unseen realities, ensuring divine balance throughout all creation, time, and space.

This Sabian Symbol is the last degree of the 60th Gene Key: Limitation, Realism, Justice: In this sense, the thunderstorm is about a breakthrough of some sort, the previous limitations can be left behind, be they about religion, politics, or strong belief systems that no longer serve the higher plan.

Richard Rudd’s subtitle for this gene key is the shattering of the vessel. We cannot receive the ultimate blessings if we hang onto our beliefs too tightly. This degree happens on the cusp of Capricorn & Aquarius, see also this previous post for more information.

The new moon of the Chinese New Year 2023 activated this Symbol, for the entire year: and unfortunately, we could see how it translated into terrible events all year long: So far we’ve had imminent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria (the home of the Sabeans) chemical explosions, train derailments, Canadian forest fires, Hawaii, and at the very beginning of the Kabbalistic New Year, war in Israel. The tension between religious ideologies, government, and people, hate crimes in universities across the US, an increase in violence, and potentially more conflict and explosions. For more information, see this post: Pluto Square NN at An Old Adobe Mission

Release of Tension, Boiling point, Humility, Higher Plan, Revealing of Consciousness, Ascension symptoms, Schumann Resonance, body electricity, activations, adaptability, surrender, renewal, calm in the storm, peace, necessity for grounding, spiritual experiences, sudden shifts in perception, rebirth, Ten Commandments, Spiritual Laws, Divine Justice