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NEW MOON OF LEO Sabian Symbols Astrology

Listen to our replay from this morning’s live stream as Melissa Crane and I are discussing the Sabian interpretations as well as the more traditional astrological influences, followed by a guided meditation and Kelley Love’s reading of Code 28 from the “33 Codes” by Adi Lamborn.

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The New Moon in Leo comes in at Leo 5: An old fashioned woman is confronted by a flapper, or as per Lynda Hill: AN OLD FASHIONED 'CONSERVATIVE' WOMAN IS CONFRONTED BY AN UP-TO-DATE GIRL

I never “liked” this symbol, as it feels a bit odd, talking about discrepancy, and separation between the old and the new, and the new generation versus a conservative lifestyle, if we take it at a more literal level.

Laura Walker at The Oracle Report opened my eyes to a different meaning of this symbol, which speaks to the integration of traditional wisdom and knowledge, and modernity. Quite a different spin!

We can think of this as for example the ancient Vedas expressing truth that quantum physics only got to more recently, compared to a 7000-year-old tradition.