At 7:30am est, on May 30, 2022, the sun and moon were conjunct at 9 deg of Gemini, offering us a new moon and another opportunity to seed new energies, have new starts, and write new stories. Gemini is an air sign, ruled by Mercury, which helps us with ideas, communication, thoughts, and the mental activity we need throughout our day-to-day lives. Gemini is the sign of the twins which speaks to our dual nature and how our energy can be split. It shows us How many things can be happening simultaneously. There aren't any major direct planetary aspects to the sun and moon, however, there are other aspects to which I’ll speak, that hold great significance. 

The new moon at 9 deg Gemini is conjunct the Royal fixed star Aldebaran, located at 9 deg 47 min. It is the eye of the bull within the Taurus constellation. It sits amongst five other stars within the bull’s face creating a cluster known as The Hyades. According to an article I found on 

“The Hyades were the five daughters of Atlas and half-sisters to the Pleiades. After the death of their brother, Hyas, the weeping sisters were transformed into a cluster of stars that was afterward associated with rain.” 

This same article references Vivian Robson who states, 

“The Hyades are of the nature of Saturn and Mercury (profound liar, thief, blackguard, scandal and slander.). They give tears, sudden events, violence, fierceness, poisoning, blindness, wounds or injuries to the head by instruments, weapons or fevers, and contradictions of fortune.” 

Aldebaran is considered “Mars-like” in nature, it’s action driven, aligned with the divine and fights for what they know to be true for the highest and best.It’s associated with riches, honor and success in war, and let’s just say this war applies

to the what we see playing out externally as well as the inner battles and conflicts that keep us stuck and bound to all that we wish to be free of. The battle of light vs dark, certainty vs doubt, truth vs deception, love and courage vs fear. 

Which speaks beautifully to the conjunction we currently have between Mars and Jupiter at 3 degrees within mars’ fiery homesign, Aries, providing the potential for huge explosive energy, which can be useful if channeled into our goals, ideals and 

what we want to create. Likewise, this energy can burst within the shadows and burn bridges. Ultimately this energy is here to help us as we won’t see Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries for at least another 12 years, so we’re encouraged to use it wisely and to be extremely mindful of our expressions, channeling any excess anger or suppressed frustration or rage in a constructive and creative way. Interestingly enough, this new moon is transiting through the 16th gene key- The Magical Genius, within the codon ring of prosperity. The shadow here is indifference. So asking yourself, What do you want? What in your life truly matters and where are you holding yourself back due to fear-fear of not being ready, fear of being different, fear of what’s to come if you truly chose to put it all on the line. Within This shadow is where our wildest dreams can become frozen, the beautiful gardens covered in frost killing what we have nurtured before it never even has a chance to thrive! This is not the time to post-pone your dreams and what you KNOW to be true for YOU. Keep honing your skills, learn new ones, surround yourself with people who are encouraging and are in harmonic alignment with your ideals. Use this energy to stoke the flames of your enthusiasm to create self-sustainability, free of any old system or structure saying that you must remain in a box and do it the way it has always been done or else… This is the time to say,“NO!”I love that Richard Rudd reminds us that the word enthusiasm is derived from the Latin and Greek meaning to be possessed by the breath of God. You are not alone. The Divine is on your side and is here to fill you with inspiration to step into your creative genius with true mastery. This is the time to ask, call out, and pray,“ Please God, Source Intelligence, Please angels and archangels of the most high, please star families of light… Show me the way. Help me hear you, help me stay within my heart, help me have unconditional love for myself so that I can be a beacon of light and hope and strength for others!”  CONTINUE READING