GEMINI FULL MOON by Melissa Crane
The set and crew: Moon conjunct Mars (retrograde) at 16 degrees Gemini, Moon and Mars conjunct Rigel (Orion Starpoint) Moon opposing Sun at 16 degrees Sagittarius, Sun conjunct The Great Attractor, Venus at 27 degrees Sagittarius conjunct The Galactic Center, Venus squaring Jupiter at 29 degrees Pisces, Mercury at 1 degree Capricorn. Mars is occulting the eye of the bull, Aldebaran.
Moon is at the 35th Gene Key: Wormholes and Miracles, SHADOW- Hunger, GIFT- Adventure, SIDDHI- Boundlessness.
Sun is at the 5th Gene Key: The Ending of Time, SHADOW- Impatience, GIFT- Patience, SIDDHI- Timelessness
Come with us on a journey into the incredible activation that is happening right now in our skies and therefore within us, within our collective:
As above, so below.
Melissa Crane is leading us through the astrology of this full moon portal and all the key players, leading into a discussion on the gene keys, Sabian symbols, and MAGIC, and we are finishing with a beautiful guided Meditation and living light activation, not to be missed.
These times are incredible, and we are here to witness it all, how amazing..
From Melissa's blog to read along:
This full moon takes place at 16 degrees of Gemini conjunct Mars, currently stationed retrograde, also at 16 degrees. This degree point is at the location of the star Rigel which is within the Orion star constellation.
As the moon sits here within Gemini and this Orion stargate, alongside Mars who is itching to move ahead with all of these newly inspired plans and ideas it has received while being in the cardinal air sign, we may be sensing a level of frustration and anxiousness to some degree. We, perhaps, may be feeling frustrated, forced to sit still and observe and contemplate our next best move or avenue through which to offer our energy. We may experience emotional triggers as fiery Mars interacts with the Moon, resulting in us being quick to react and quick to speak. The reminder, however, to pause, breathe, ground and recalibrate is offered by Mercury (the planetary ruler of Gemini and governor of thought, ideas, communication, and daily activities) who is currently positioned in the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn. Whenever a planet is in retrograde, it is a time of re-evaluation, re-assessment, re-attunement, re-direction, and re-alignment by going within to internally access the frequency of our heart as to then emerge, centered and purified, and move forward in harmonic resonance with unconditional love.