Join us for weekly group events, One-on-One Healing sessions, spiritual courses, initiations, and resources to understand and experience your Divine Nature, and, most importantly to anchor that Divine Nature into everyday life!
Our mission is to create a sacred space for you and evolve together on this sacred path, as we share our light, tools, and techniques to integrate all that we are and collectively create a heart-based reality.
The purpose of KHORA is to bring more awareness to inner work, and the unseen reality. We work with the unseen through various modalities to uncover hidden beliefs, programming, and conditioning in ourselves to bring about a heart-based reality. We specialize in energy work, addressing all aspects of our being: body, mind, soul, and spirit.
FRIDAYS 9.30-11 AM ET 6.30AM-8 AM PT
Join our sacred group container for collective healing through the contemplation of the the Cosmic Ray, Amaterasu. This ray was recorded in May 2021 and had an undeniable impact on the collective consciousness. Learn how to harness its light to help heal yourself and the collective!
join us live, gain access to replays through the member sign-up below or through Patreon.
The Khora group sessions provide an experiential space where we apply spiritual concepts to everyday life, mapping and participating with the unseen layers of reality. Our goal is to elevate you, make you feel at home, and inspire you to embody your amazing light.
The Sabian Symbol A Daughter of the American Revolution, will be activated through Mars during the New Moon that precedes the US Elections on November 1st 2024. Mars can either be seen as a planet that symbolizes war, and division, or it can simply be understood as the planet of action, or in this case the manifestation of a certain energy in our world of matter.
I would like to share an interesting and deep concept, that could help all of us to make more sense of our lives, especially at a time when so much darkness prevails globally.
A few days ago, as I was looking for a lecture to watch on the Kabbalah website for the weekly Torah Portion of Pekudei.
Through understanding our Gene Keys we understand our shortcomings and challenges much better, and also our gifts and talents. When we learn about our loved ones’ Gene Keys, we can also have more empathy for their struggles.
Some of you may be familiar with Human Design, which is an incredible Self-study system,
This course consists of 7 short video lessons to help you identify what dust is on your lens, aka what subconscious programs, are running, inhibiting what you would rather experience. With these tools, layer by layer, you can reveal and remove them to help you get closer to your individual soul’s plan: cleansing the lens of your projector.
We will meet on Wemustmeet for an afternoon of study and practice, revisiting many of our spiritual tools, (including the Living Light Symbols) and techniques: In this class, you will learn the Reiki Master Symbol and be initiated into the Living Light and Reiki Master Symbol.
Disclaimer: This is not a class that culminates in you becoming a reiki teacher.
The Sabian Symbols of the upcoming new moon (February 9th, 2024) Sun/ Moon placement give rise to the upcoming solar eclipse interpreted through the lens of Kabbalah. The Sabeans, an ancient people of Astrologers, bring forth ancient symbolism of the primordial archetypes in a fresh, modern way through Elsie Wheeler and Marc Edmund Jones to show us a way out of the illusion.
The 49th gene key and its programming partner the 4th Gene Key have been activated through the last Sun-Venus Conjunction on August 13th, starting a new cycle, with Venus in Leo, after the completion of her last 18-month journey that began in the sign of Capricorn, January 8th 2022. The shadow of Reaction, the gift of Revolution, and the Siddhi of Rebirth of the 49th Gene Key works hand in hand, with the Shadow of Intolerance, the gift of Understanding, and the Siddhi of Forgiveness of the 4th gene key.
A few days ago, news emerged about a cosmic beam, named Amaterasu, after the Japanese Sun Goddess. I read further that the particle beam was spotted by a cosmic ray observatory in Utah’s West Desert known as the Telescope Array. Two of the Sabian Symbols: The degree of the Sun, the personality of this energy beam, and the Earth, signifying how we may receive, or experience it, we can grasp its essence, it’s divine love:
Sun: Gemini 6-7° "An old-fashioned well" Earth: Sagittarius 6-7° “Cupid knocking at the door of a human heart “
Kabbalah uses the well as a symbol for the Divine Feminine, the Shekhina.
Pluto’s Journey, from Religious Conflict to Unity Consciousness
On May 1, 2023, Pluto began its retrograde from 0°21’ Aquarius : An Old Adobe mission (Religion) to 27°58 Capricorn: A large Aviary, ("ascending" humanity) on October 11th, 2023. With hindsight it is always easier to see that the writing has been on the wall all along, expressed in the Pluto retrograde journey - over the past 6 months..