The Gene Keys, as they have been received by Richard Rudd, are a sister transmission to Human Design and give you a map to effectively work with your subconscious.

Through understanding our Gene Keys we understand our shortcomings and challenges much better, and also our gifts and talents. Better yet, when we learn about our loved ones’ Gene Keys, we can have more empathy for their struggles.

New to the Gene Keys: Start here 

Some of you may be familiar with Human Design, which is an incredible Self-study system, rooted in the I-Ching. The Human Design profile is based on your astrological imprint at conception and birth: In the Gene Keys, Richard Rudd zooms in on the distinct characteristics of each astrological gate, hexagram or Gene Key. He gives new meaning to these hexagrams to help you better understand your personality, your emotional coding, and your vocation. Each gene key corresponds to approximately 6 degrees within the wheel of the Zodiac and has a programming partner that is on the opposite side of the zodiac: Pisces /Virgo- Taurus /Scorpio, etc 

According to Rudd, all the 64 hexagrams can be interpreted as a shadow, a gift, and a divine gift (siddhi) frequency, that are linked biochemically to our DNA. 

In our group work, we refer to the gene keys a lot, when certain astrological transits are activated, like for example, conjunctions, eclipses, or retrogrades. More recently we have been working with the Gene Keys hologenetic profile of the Amaterasu Ray, which unveils an incredible blueprint for our collective hero’s journey into awakening.

By seeing, and embracing our darkness, and actively working with our intent, we will eventually activate the Siddhic (Divine) frequencies in our DNA, and, as we reach critical mass, a new Era of Peace will emerge, and that is also the Zohar’s promise, speaking of the World to Come: Olam Haba.