The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 images, that have been received telepathically through the Medium Elsie Wheeler, and Astrologer Marc Edmund Jones in the 1920’s: supposedly from a source that she later identified as the Sabians, a people of Astrologers of Ancient Mesopotamia.
The Sabian Symbols are a unique language that adds an essential layer to the Astrology of our time, as do the Gene Keys, the Mayan Dream Spell, and many other systems: the Sabian Symbols can be felt more strongly with every New and Full Moon, Eclipses, important conjunctions, and at the beginning of the lunar year, as well as any numerological portal days, such as 4/4/2020 (4/4/4).
The Sabian Symbols reflect the archetypal energies that may influence us, during a certain period in our lives, and they also hold a unique solution energy. They can give us insight into future events globally and individually, help us better understand who we are as cosmic beings, and bring us toward a unified perception of reality.
Having lived with these symbols in a very conscious way over the past 9 years, (you can read more about it here) guided mainly by the Oracle Report, Lynda HilI’s Oracle website, and more recently, James Burgess Sabian Mysteries, many of them have revealed additional meanings than what I could find: This humble beginning of a library, the nascent collection of the symbols thus far is meant to uplift and shed light on the current underlying energies, and how to use them.
In a consciousness-based universe, we need to use our consciousness to interpret any symbol, synchronicity, or archetypal expression: This conscious process will determine how we will experience a given situation, lesson, and life in general: My work with the Sabian Symbols is to use their inherent hidden meanings as a tool to return to unity consciousness.
Please consider the below interpretations as an attempt at a new blueprint for a greater collective meaning, steeped in my humble studies of the Zohar, the Gene Keys, Kabbalah, and the interwoven threads of synchronistic events of life itself, through dreams, channeling, animal symbolism, and telepathic guidance.
Below is my go-to list with all 360 symbols:
Full list
All is consciousness. The consciousness we embody channeled through the stars, and planets, at the time of our birth defines our very being and expression. So too, any moment in time is imprinted with these subtle energies. Let’s use them to benefit the whole.