The Sabian Symbols of the upcoming new moon (February 9th, 2024) are important indicators for the upcoming solar eclipse, as we interpret them through the lens of Kabbalah.
The Sabeans, an ancient people of Astrologers, bring forth ancient symbolism of the primordial archetypes in a fresh modern way (the old woman and the flapper) through Elsie Wheeler and Marc Edmund Jones to show us a way out of the illusion.
If we can interpret the symbols with the wisdom of Kabbalah and the Zohar in mind we can go beyond. When specific people ( hologenetic profiles) are activated through the ascension energies and the kabbalistic tools, humanity the Sophia / Shekhina blueprint can leave her exile.
When we consider the almost logical procession of Torah portions in combination with the Gene Keys and the Sabian Symbols infused astrological transits, of this time, we can see a path appear that encourages us to transmute the "left side" the desire to receive for the self alone, and instead help us to become more inclined to help others.
The hologenetic blueprint we are going through collectively to reveal the light of the Amaterasu Ray since it was recorded on May 27th, 2021: ( ten! days after the great revelation of the light of Shavuot that year)
Activation: 16 -9 37-40 Venus: 40-59-12-62- 55-8 Pearl: 8-13-55-16
The Amaterasu Hologenetic profile shows us a path to birth the light, through correcting our left side, desire to receive for the self alone, and victim consciousness ( 55)
Some of us light workers who strive to align with the light's higher dimensional vibrations have taken on this blueprint, in addition to working on our own shadows. Taking on this greater collective shadow helps us to deal with our shadows more easily, especially when we use the kabbalistic tools.
We can see how collectively the 13th Gene Key, the shadow of discord in the sphere of culture has been activated greatly throughout this already almost 3-year process. It is significant and comes as a great confirmation that the pearl and the spiritual quotient of this blueprint are at the 55th gene key, with the shadow of victimization and the Siddhi of FREEDOM, and where according to Richard Rudd the most intense shift will happen, leading us right back into our discussion of the woman that is no longer under the illusion of the matrix / Egypt/ aka the mind. Letting go of mental slavery.
Yod, fated events in one's chart, related to this process of birthing the light through this collective vessel.
We will continue to work very consciously now with the gene keys of this blueprint, and especially with the Siddhic frequencies!
What a journey this has been- thank you all for accompanying us through this labyrinth!