The 49th Gene Key A Path to Peace
The 49th gene key and its programming partner the 4th Gene Key have been activated through the last Sun-Venus Conjunction on August 13th, starting a new cycle, with Venus in Leo, after the completion of her last 18-month journey that began in the sign of Capricorn, January 8th 2022.
The shadow of Reaction, the gift of Revolution, and the Siddhi of Rebirth of the 49th Gene Key, works hand in hand, with the Shadow of Intolerance, the gift of Understanding, and the Siddhi of Forgiveness of the 4th gene key.
The 49th GK encompasses: 18.52 to 24.30 degrees of Aquarius
Victim of emotional reactions: repressive: inert
reactive: rejecting
The 4th gene key encompasses:
18.52- 24.30 degrees of Leo
repressive: Victim of need for answers- reactive: nitpicking, criticizing, judging