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WHAT IF...there was an effective tool to connect to our life’s purpose?

I would like to share an interesting and deep concept, that could help all of us to make more sense of our lives, especially at a time when so much darkness prevails globally. 

A few days ago, as I was looking for a lecture to watch on the Kabbalah website for the weekly Torah Portion of Pekudei- one title, in particular, called to me, above all else, and it was a lecture about the concept of the Book of Adam. I had no idea what to expect but I was covered in chills, and I knew, I had to watch it. 

In it Michael Berg reveals, and I’m paraphrasing, that the book of Adam is a metaphysical book in which the blueprints of our lives, of anyone who ever lived, lives and will ever live, are pre-written, in that they reflect our highest potential, and purpose. He says that first we have to know of this concept, and then in order to connect with that life, we should have the desire to reveal it, no matter how hard. If we truly desire to live according to that life, God will give us all the support we need to overcome all obstacles, including talents we may not have, physical and emotional strength, and most importantly we will be guided.

Hearing him speak, I was blown away and I suddenly remembered that I came across this same teaching a very long time ago, when I was an au-pair girl in Paris. Back then, I read a book - unfortunately I do not recall its title- it was in the library of the family’s house where I was working, and there was a story in there that was quoting the Baal Shem Tov, who I now understand to be one of the greatest Kabbalists to have ever lived. At that time of course I had no clue about Kabbalah, but reflecting back that was actually my first encounter with kabbalistic teachings.

The author of this book remembered something the Baal Shem Tov had said, and it was along the lines of desiring and pledging to live our life as God intended us to live it, just like Michael Berg shared in the lecture. He tells the reader how he stated this intent with his utmost sincerity and out loud, to live according to his soul. And he poetically recounts how as a result of this powerful pledge, his life changed within a heartbeat, likening it to a chariot being pulled by horses that suddenly ran into a gallop, with the shattering sound of their hooves striking the ground. His description was quite dramatic, and that’s probably why years later I still remembered it: 

At that time I was depressed, felt stuck, did not know what to do with my life, all just seemed very bland and without purpose. I was working in fashion, but I thought there needed to be more than this to life. And so in a flash of inspiration, I remembered that story, and I decided to claim that life: I remember being in the living room in my apartment in the 9th arrondissement in Paris, and asking God with my utmost intent, heart and soul, to put me on that path, the one that was intended for me and that’s when everything started changing super fast: from then on everything in my life felt guided like by an invisible red thread. 

I met the right people at the right time, and everything unfolded seamlessly for a long time, but I also had to overcome what seemed like insurmountable obstacles as well: I was thrown into Fashion PR, totally going against my extremely shy nature, I had to overcome so many shadow parts, again and again, I had to learn self-confidence and I failed many times, I certainly did not live up to my potential, but every time I strayed far off, I fell back on my feet, and had pre-destined encounters that slowly guided me towards my spiritual path.

Now, a good twenty years later watching this lecture I remember the story again and I realize the binding powerful impact this conscious intent had, this huge desire to live like I was intended to. Today, I look at all the incongruences of my life and I realize that through it all even the hardest parts, there is always a light shining and leading me. 

Our desire can draw us to what we are meant to do if we let go of the ego and devote ourselves to that journey no matter how hard it is, one thing is certain we will always be guided, and have anything we need. And all the ups and downs and windy roads are part of it. This is probably the most important teaching one can ever come across, as it helps us to see purpose in what is happening, and gives us the inner strength to follow through, even if does not make sense logically.

When we know about this, then we can renew our desire, and I believe all spiritual practice helps us to identify more of that life that is meant for us, whether we’re a designer or an athlete, or a baker…! It brings us closer to manifesting it and serves to renew those divine vows.

But nothing is more powerful than to consciously invoke that purposeful life that is there for us, waiting for us to fully embrace it.

Maybe now as the world is going through so much darkness it is a good time for all of us on the spiritual journey to state those vows or re-strengthen them to manifest that life. And by so doing, receive the help we need, to do our personal part to bring the world back into balance…we all have a part to play even if it makes no sense to the people around us, our families, and even our mind, but we are guided if we desire so. Let’s have the courage to embrace our life’s true purpose, guided not by free will but by devotion to the divine will, listen to our intuition, and follow our heart.

Originally published March 7th 2022