NEW GROUP OPENING UP FOR KHORA Heart Awakening Healing Course


I’m so excited to start a second group for the KHORA HEART AWAKENING HEALING COURSE: we will meet Wednesdays at 12PM ET on Zoom for 10 weeks:


“Corinna is a wonderful teacher and guide. She has so much to share in terms of knowledge and her own experience about how we can all help to clear and raise our own energy and consciousness. When I first heard her speak I knew that I wanted to get to know her more and work with her in the Heart Awakening and Healing Course. I’m grateful that our paths crossed and for the deeper awareness and the immense impact she has had in helping me to further raise my own consciousness.”

Jessica Robinson, NY

“Working with Corinna for the past few months has made me increasingly aware of my energetic practice, and provided me with the discipline required to ground in such powerful energy! I appreciate learning through my tikkun— my challenge area to work on— with this module because it creates a sanctuary for the shedding of skin, illuminating my challenges while still being loved and held through it. I once said “Corinna, you have walked me down to aisle to meet my higher self,” and it is true! This weekly group has come in conjunction with some of the most transformative periods in my adult life, and I must recognize Corinna Springer as being the most prominent guide and teacher in my life during this time. And for that I am so grateful! Thank you, Corinna.”

Ellington Bland, NY

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