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A CHRISTMAS TALE -KHORA CH Replay Corinna Springer

I'm quoting from the research of German MetaPhysician, Axel Burkart. His video is weaving together the old and new Testaments and delivers such a beautiful message about free will, which originally came about through the Luciferian rebellion, and he invites us to see the birth of Christ (Consciousness) as an opportunity to use this freedom towards unconditional love.

He shares insights on two completely different accounts of Jesus’s birth that have later been mixed together, but that may allude to something else entirely, I don’t wanna spoil it…There is so much more in this video, which I posted below, but unfortunately, it's only in German. 

We then talk about our subconscious often inherited beliefs, where we still may have judgments towards ourselves or others, inhibiting unconditional love …all of that on the backdrop of the Sabian Symbol of our Mars Retrograde at Gemini 25/ 26: Winter Frost in the Woods- and the winter storm here affecting so many people in the US, frozen pipes bursting, and the mirroring of the exiting of the toxic masculinity within us, the rigidity, the walls around our hearts.

Happy Holidays! 

Love, love, love

Die Weihnachtsgeschichte und die komplette Geschichte der Menschheit in 55 Minuten - Axel Burkart TV