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About the Living Light

At some point in our lives, we realize that searching for things such as status, relationships, money, etc on the outside doesn’t bring lasting happiness. More often than not we push ourselves so far into the desire for these things, that we come to the edge of that journey and we realize that there is mostly suffering, as this outer reality is forever-changing. We depend on its fluctuations, there is no lasting happiness to be found. As humanity is going through this huge consciousness shift, we realize this and experience it more than ever before and many people are searching for what seems to be missing and are turning to meditation and other yogic practices.

When we reach that point we begin our journey back: but very often this journey within takes a long time as well, and we forget again and again and turn our back on the divine.

Once we make a commitment though, to our spiritual path, this path will always be there for us, send us signs, and remind us gently of the absolute reality within.

And once we find this absolute reality of bliss and contentment we can truly enjoy the outer reality, since we live through the perspective of the Merged Self, in a self-realized way:

This perspective is coming from the true union of the small self and the divine self in the heart. It is what we could call the heart-based reality, where we generate and create our reality from the merged Heart of Siva- or whatever we want to call it. 

The Living Light energy is illuminating the heart to create the perfect conditions for this union.

This union is a life-long dance, like a flower that needs the sun and the water to grow and thrive, so does our self also need to experience its union with Shiva and Shakti (pure consciousness and consciousness in action-becoming creation) on a regular basis. The Living Light is the unification of Siva and Sakti “materialized” - and perceivable as electric flow in our body, as it awakens its counterpart (our ego self and the physical body with its sheaths) in the density of third to fifth Dimensional reality- the subtle bodies -emotional and mental subtle bodies.

As a regular reminder, used in meditation this energy can help support the yogic path, the union with the divine, and it leads the seeker to a practical life of service and love for humanity, without the need of taking vows of celibacy, it is here for us NOW to work within the framework of this challenging environment of a left-brain society that is out of balance with nature and on the cusp of awakening.

What is the LIVING LIGHT ANAHATA Energy System?

The Living Light Anahata Energy System is designed to further spiritual development. It is not a healing system like Reiki for example.

The Living Light energy is a higher dimensional divine energy that we attune to with the ultimate goal being enlightenment, samadhi, and union with the divine/our own divinity in a practical way.

It prepares the physical body and astral bodies to hold more light and bring down our divine consciousness. It is transformation, some may want to call it ascension into Lightbody, personally, I perceive it as a descension, or incension, as we integrate the higher consciousness fields in our physical body moving from Kether to Malkuth if we want to refer to the Kabbalistic terminology.

Kundalini awakening and samadhi experiences are just the beginning of a constant transformation in which the practitioner brings more of his or her own divinity into the physical body which results in bliss and contentment since the conscious human being experiences reality more so through the divine and no longer only through the separated ego-self. 

It’s a process, one that leads to happiness, bliss, and inner peace. It is also a journey, one that leads from the outer edges of the spiral into its center, from the mind into the heart.

The Living Light is not healing energy but one that activates our desire for and our reconnection with the divine. The term Living Light originates in Jewish Mysticism, also referred to as the Ain Soph Aur: it’s the light of creation, consciousness in the process of manifesting itself. 

When we switch our point of view from a matter-based understanding of the universe to a consciousness-based perception, as it is being put forth by quantum physics and ancient wisdom teachings, we simply cannot deny the connection between our thoughts and our reality. 

In the LIVING LIGHT AWAKENINGTraining, Magical Thinking, we look at how we create reality through our subconscious mind (the inner realms) just to be able to clear and integrate and leave everything behind to really move into our heart’s wisdom in everyday life. 

Philosophy / Spiritual Roots

Over the course of my life, I have come in touch with various Teachings as early as 15 years old and was introduced to the Bhagavad Gita and the early teachings of Advaita Vedanta (Non-Dualism) therein. My life would lead me to explore many other teachings and healing systems, yet all always lead back to the heart.

The closest philosophy that brings all the teachings together that I have come across over a period of more than 20 years seems to be Kashmir Shaivism or Tantra, a form of Advaita Vedanta philosophy and yoga, practicing union with the divine in the Sacred Space of the Triadic Heart of Siva. This can be translated as well in working with the tree of life in Jewish Mysticism, where we work with the middle path, connecting Tiphareth and Kether (and Malkhut) through the central column, expressed in the physical realm by the spinal column.

How it all came about: I merged with this energy in a spontaneous “awakening” and it has stayed within my fields until I was ready to bring more of it within my body and my awareness over the course of many years.

I first noticed the difference when I was doing a Reiki 1&2 initiation with a small group of 3 people, about 8 months after this experience. The energy made itself known to me then, as a very masculine feeling of golden liquid light, but I had no idea what it was. Nowadays, 6 years into the process, and after lots of research and self-inquiry, I can better grasp what it is and how it works. It is now possible to share this energy through attunements and Living Light Transmissions.

Everyone has access to this energy, it’s the process of activation and integration that attunes one more consciously to the energy.

Purpose of the Living Light

It helps to unify the lower self with the higher self, and out of that process alone, helps to increase inner spiritual gifts, that are individually different for everyone but can include, clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognizance, increased healing gifts, increased inner peace, through DNA activation. It is not for everyone, and it is recommended to have an established spiritual practice, yoga, meditation, and proper diet, to prepare the nervous system to enable it to hold more light.

For any questions about the process and the initiations please feel free to reach out here.