HEART BASED REALITY 101: 7 Guidelines for Conscious Living
See through the outside reality and through the many lies: read between the lines - that includes all forms of media, alternative, mass, social, etc Know that there is a constant war on our mind at all times. Watch out for numbers symbols words in media, advertising, movies, songs, etc Know the basics of numerology, research Jordan Maxwell's work about that, he did a great job. Know that when you see different combinations of numbers and words over and over it is to obtain a certain reaction from people to feed those ritualistic numbers and the event itself subconsciously. *
A lot of this is subconscious that's why it needs to be made CONSCIOUS, written about talked about, shared as much as possible with as many people as possible.
Detach from any Drama: Don't get upset, see through the game and stand up for yourself, but don't let your emotions or thoughts be controlled by outside events. Do not react with too much emotion. Keep it balanced. Emotion feeds them. Don't get caught in details of who did what and when, it will only drive you nuts as there is no ONE reality or ONE truth.
Stand up for yourself. Know that you deserve to create a reality for yourself, withdraw your consent from all their mind games, as you see them, call them out, address them, they don't want to be seen. Their power resides in your ignorance of them, once they are known, seen, they are powerless. KNOW you are way more powerful than they are.
Monitor your thoughts and emotions as much as possible: Thoughts of negativity in any form are usually not coming from within, fight these thoughts, repel them. It takes time and practice. Every day at least twice spend a few minutes or longer going WITHIN
Be Silent. Watch what comes up. Learn methods to move your consciousness into the HEART. PRACTICE EVERY DAY. This is not ESCAPISMGOING WITHIN IS NECESSARY TO withstand mental or psychic attacks. They cannot attack you when you are in your HEART.
the electro-magnetic field of the heart
photo: Heartmath institute
Release negative inherited beliefs and BUILD positive beliefs around yourself and your experience of reality, When doing that you create new neurological pathways in your brain. Look into heart math, learn about the heart and brain coherence.
Do anything that naturally affects your mood in positive ways, listen to uplifting music, spend time with family, friends, loved ones, interact with them, tell them that you love them, that you care etc,
Get outside into nature, Connect with the earth, Be grounded. Have fun, Create, play, daydream, keep it light.
Be true with yourself and others. Strive to be authentic in all your relationships with people, include everyone you meet into the equation.
Know that a part of you gave consent to this experience, and all events in your life - a part of you that plays the game and may be connected to another reality, lifetime etc, it's not conscious, it seldom is, but it’s guiding your path, like a subtle voice, a faint intuition, let it become stronger.
LOVE yourself and others through the experience, the amnesia. This goes for humanity in general, not for infected psychopathic individuals. Not for AI. Make no mistake they will be dealt with. For all human beings including yourself, have compassion, be gentle, BE KIND.
The whole message was received telepathically from my guide in early 2017- continued:
There are many different timelines in this reality. All have a potential for an outcome that is higher or lower (drama or peace, fear or love) depending on how many people are subconsciously programmed to believe this potential reality and give their energy to it. Even when they are opposing it, they still give their energy and power away by engaging with it and believing it. Their subconscious and conscious programming is directly affecting what timeline is playing out because of the consensus reality they support and create, either in unison with the lower fourth-dimensional agenda or more consciously with a higher, heart-based understanding.
There’s a split, a discrepancy within many different timelines as people are being confused and polarized and within the polarization, there is a lot of differing perceptions of the “truth” of political and even exo-political stuff.
People are creating dissonance within their own potential timelines and the truth timeline is sort of a mix of the opposing timelines. to simplify this a lot:
It’s like three main timelines/potentials:
The third is sort of a mix of what is truthful in all perceptions of reality. …very much simplified.
This heart-based reality is going to emerge/activate over the next years
Aided by the raising of the vibration of the planet and with people more in tune with their own heart-based perception and creation of reality.
These are guidelines on how to create this new reality from our hearts, knowing that the holographic reality we sense and perceive is largely controlled by the mind. The more we move into the heart, the more we create from there and tune into a heart-based reality that we then may see coming to fruition for many in the near future. The Negative agendas of the controlling races referred to as “they” exist to keep the drama going so that three-dimensional reality can be experienced, and that is good, however, we are at a junction now, we’re waking up.
Know that anything you see outside in your reality is the fruit of confusing timelines, realities, events, genetic experiments, geoengineering, all of which distort the vibrational signature of prime creation with artificial frequency codes that create a holographic overlay on reality. Practically all outside drama is just there to feed the mechanism of this false hologram and to keep it running.
Know that you have been stripped of your memory of who you really are Know that you are beyond powerful, we're all CREATOR BEINGS. All of us are.
Remember always, they have to keep this fake reality going and they NEED your emotions, mainly fear and anger, but also sadness, and of course trauma.
Lots of it.
Remember that they programmed you and their movies and events to feed them, but in reality, they need you: if you all wake up all of a sudden and say, that's all blatant lies and bullshit, then they can't keep it up. In order to do that you need to break their programming spell.
The moment to break out of this Matrix is now.
It's the beginning, it's not going to happen overnight but you, we all, have to start somewhere, now.
It's a question of free will, timing, and resonance. Everything is.
Those who are ready to leave this experience of duality behind have an opportunity to do so - not come back into this three-dimensional form anymore if they wish. Those who want to stay along and move to a new level, one where life is decent, and none of the atrocities exist, can do so by tuning into the creation of a heart-based reality.
Realities and timelines come to pass when enough people act a certain way, spend their energy towards a certain goal. As of now this goal is controlled by the so-called consensus reality that is comprised of fake historical accounts and fed to our collective subconscious mind daily, every second actually, through wars, violence, Luciferianism, cults, etc. If we can take back the control, and that's the purpose here, we can create a heart-based reality, programmed by the beauty of mother earth and the beauty of the un-compromised spirit of humanity.
They envy you so much for being able to create. If we all stopped feeding into their mind game by being in the heart the holographic distortion would dissolve momentarily. KNOW that you have that power as a collective and ACT according to it. These are just some pointers in that direction, make it your own.
Some examples of subliminal symbolism that are being used a lot:
-eye of Horus symbolism means we tricked you, we have you under control.
-circles around something reinforce the idea of imprisonment, literally forced reincarnation, subconscious consent to slavery.
-13 is a number for Mind control the letter M is 13 in the alphabet, the letter M in any brand or ad is almost always announcing that there is a subliminal message there.
-H can be a portal to the astral plane.
-Look out for anagrams, deconstruct a word, look what other words are hiding in it. For example Earth = Heart