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From Judgment to Mercy

There are a few different interpretations and phrases for this degree: 

"A dark shadow or mantle thrown suddenly over the right shoulder" A Leader of People wrapped in an invisible cloak of power” “A will-full man is overshadowed by a descent of superior power”

The general idea is one of empowerment, the ability to direct people according to a higher power.

When I began to meditate on the meaning of this symbol before its activation by the New Moon of Cancer on July 17th, 2023 synchronistic events revealed another meaning: 

We are in a time that Kabbalists call the end of the correction, the wisdom of Kabbalah states that the proverbial hell came into being through the energy of judgment, the left, wanting to include and overpower the right, the energy of mercy. In our time, the embodiments of the primordial soul, we humans, are making this correction through our lives: In our time, we must embrace love and mercy, as symbolized by the right column, to live our purpose, we must connect to source, to thrive, and in some cases even to survive. 

The secret of this degree is to let go of our opinion, our conscious and sometimes unconscious judgment of others, groups, or individuals: This does not mean not disagreeing, or discerning right from wrong, rather it’s about not holding on too tight to our negative perception and allow for the “other” to have their opinion. Agree to disagree, lovingly. As we let go of negative attachments, opinions, and maybe even hatred, we embody divine qualities, and we begin to use our invisible mantle of power for this correction. This seems simple, but when we start looking deep enough, we might find, that we are more judgmental than we thought. That we cling to our version of reality too tightly, especially when it comes to socio-political events.

This symbol further invites us to call down the light of protection, by praying for others, through using our gifts, be they material or immaterial to help channel God’s will, the will of a merciful, loving God. In that sense, we can positively influence others, and be a just leader.

This is one of the essential degrees that symbolize Christ Consciousness, through Mercy and Compassion.

Mercy, compassion, loosening our grip on opinions, and negative perceptions, deep-seated beliefs, putting love before truth, not always wanting to be right, allowing others their authentic expression and thought, even if we don’t agree. Striving to become better human beings by applying the golden rule: Only do unto others as you would have them do unto you.