This symbol speaks about putting life on hold to find a deeper purpose. It can literally mean that we are seeking to devote our lives to a higher mission, sometimes away from regular life.
The desire for a sacred container, discipline, and purity. Allowing the spiritual path to dominate our day-to-day occupations. Giving soul and spirit priority over ego and body, mind over matter. Choosing the hard path of the soul over the instant gratification of body consciousness, comfort, and superficiality. There can be a certain feeling of seriousness, a deep calling for transformation. Making space and time for study, prayer, and spirituality, (re-)connection with the Divine within and without. It can also mean that we are entering a period of celibacy, limiting and sacrificing egotistical needs and pleasures of the lower Self. Detachment of material things, of material short-term fulfillment.
Detachment, Sacred container, Confinement, Deep inner work, Time out, Devotion, Faith, Divine Love, Holy Love, Spiritual Calling, Clarion Call, Abstinence, Restriction, Sacred Surroundings, Modesty, Self-love, Soul Love, Shadow Work.
Restricting too much just to lash out when back in a more normal environment, extremism, dogma, self-sacrifice, seriousness, self-righteousness, and spiritual ego.