With this Sabian Symbol, a sincere reconnection to the divine through faith and certainty may be necessary to continue on the path.
It may be helpful to be with like-minded people, share in uplifting activities, group meditation, yoga, and sound healing, or maybe you feel called to create some kind of ceremony to anchor the divine in your life.
Alternatively, you may need to surrender your situation to a higher power, to move through it. Rest assured, with this symbol, it is likely that you are on the right path and will soon rise like the phoenix from the ashes.
Be sure to feel and receive the blessings from the prayer with your heart, merely repeating prayers out of habit and doing lip service won’t work.
Resurrection, renewal, rebirth, Spiritual community, ceremonies to call upon Spirit, God, Source, invoking Christ consciousness, connecting with our inner divine nature, group prayer, retreating into the inner realms with community, divine love, moving past outside difficulties through creating certainty within, returning home, healing through spirit, rising above the norm, hard lessons followed by spiritual experiences, the world to come, Easter, Pessach, Spring, rituals for spiritual growth.