By Bridgett Marie Bailey

With so many controversial issues arising during these times we are faced only with two options, choose love or choose fear. Regardless, we must choose. What does that look like? Let's take the emotions out of the vaccine. Wherever you fall, whatever city, county, state, country, continent you live in, we are all faced with a movement and unfortunately, you may be faced with having to choose whether to abide by local regulations or move. Moving doesn't guarantee avoiding eventual mandates. So, let's look at what you can do to protect and detox your body in the event you choose or have already chosen the vaccine.

Remember, no judgement, no guilt. Whatever you choose, choose from a sound place of knowing you've not lost your connection, you are by divine right always connected to Source. We are one. Let's not lose sight of always choosing love.

First, just like everything else, it's a mindset. Do not fear, meditate and tap into your divine healing. Knowing you are exactly where you are meant to be. Call upon your Spirit Guides, dive into the knowing, everything you need is simply one thought source away, believing in your own power. Drown your fears with love and meditations.

Second, if you weren't able to prep your body prior to the vaccine, it's not too late to start now. Start inside out, try to eliminate processed foods especially sugars and flour. As much clean organic eating as possible, this is a great habit anyways, why not start now if you haven't already? Lots of lemon, ginger, lime and turmeric water and teas. This will help eliminate toxins and detox the liver. While I detox, I love to imagine all my cells rejuvenating and cleansing, celebrating vitality and renewal. Especially, when I struggle and desire anything that isn't "good" for my body or mind. I repeat mantras to assist. "My body is strong" "I am able to do the things in my best and highest good" "My mind does not dictate who or what I do" etc.

Third, I love detox baths! 1 cup organic apple cider vinegar, 1-1.5 c Epson Salt, 1T baking soda, and for extra relaxation a few drops of gardenia or lavender organic grade essential oils.

Fourth, supplements. As great immunity builders zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D, elderberry, quercetin with bromelain, and any vaccine detox drops. I use Newton Homeopathics both the Vaccination Illness drops and the Detoxifer drops.

Bridgett Marie Bailey is a financial consultant for personal budgeting, corporate financial preparation for audit and tax purposes. Loves transformation through various human design awareness modalities and teaching others mindset, self-healing, and meditation through breathing and relaxation mostly because it aids her in being a better mother, friend, human. Loves all things witchy.