At first look, this symbol seems to deal with bloodlines, heritage, and legacies, alerting us to questions of inherited behavior, gifts, generational passed-down information, DNA, and the stories of our ancestors.
Additionally, though, it may also refer to the ancestral tree of the patriarchs, the tree of life, and our experiences of reality through the different situations, places, and pathways on the tree of life, in short tests, initiations, and eventual successes.
Very often these places bear important life lessons, and tasks, that may come up in your life as recurring situations, testing your character, and your determination to heal and grow spiritually. These situations may be connected to a unique energy signature, such as emotions that are coming up for healing, and lessons to be learned within relationships, for example. Often there is a need to balance and establish boundaries while practicing loving kindness symbolized by the middle path, the trunk of this tree.
The mysterious lines are outlining a bigger picture, hidden stories, beliefs, and struggles, that went before, and that we may only see when we get a picture of the whole tree.
As we see the mysterious correlations between people and situations, we can see our own lesson more clearly: It’s our ability to pass these tests that will move us to a different level on this tree of life, ultimately leading us into higher states of being and loving.
The Symbol can also identify the need to illuminate our relationship to self and others, and most importantly to our soul, as well as our soul’s purpose. What is my job within this bigger picture of my family, my community, and the legacy of humanity?
Seeing the full picture, understanding the past to resolve the future, the middle path, the middle point, tests, initiation, Kabbalah, Tree of life, ancestral healing, legacy, ascending and descending, revelation.