This symbol primarily alludes to a strong bond between two individuals, who can understand each other without the need to talk, and without being in the same space.
It can also speak to the need for a different kind of communication for the situation at hand, calling on the wisdom of the heart, and mindfulness. There may be a need to listen more deeply, and read between the lines, to get to the truth of the matter. We may be invited to raise our vibration and attune to the other person’s frequency to be able to understand them.
With this symbol, we can attune to our soul to receive messages from spiritual beings, and other humans: very often we have a telepathic connection with close friends, family members, and members of our soul group.
We can establish a connection with anyone who is connected to our soul most easily, if they too tune into their higher faculties, we may receive such telepathic communication through seeing friends, and family members in our dreams, or visions, and we can even enhance our gifts through practice with a close friend the transmitting/receiving of information, codified through symbols, and colors, for example.
To strengthen our telepathic gifts, and any other spiritual gifts, all we need to do is communicate through the heart. The heart is a transmitter-receiver of feelings and information. When we attune to our spirit, through practicing meditation and activating the higher dimensional chakras we begin to open our hearts, which often have been shut off through emotional trauma. The more we open our hearts, the more we enable the higher channels of communication, that bypass the logical mind. Love is the basis for telepathic communication between all species, try it :)
In terms of gene keys, the theme of telepathy is inherent in the 59th gene key. It’s a cornerstone for the awakening, allowing our eyes and senses to perceive more when we transmute the shadow of dishonesty into the gift of intimacy.
telepathic communication, receiving messages, higher knowledge, soul union, twin flames, soul group, messages, secret information, communication of higher truths, guidance, teaching, transmitting and receiving, listening and speaking through the heart, overcoming distance, love-based communication, 59th gene key, intimacy, transparency.