What could this symbol refer to nowadays? As with all codes, the Sabian Symbols seem to have their inherent meaning, and whatever additional subjective meaning we give to them. It seems that when this symbol is activated it is likely that themes like freedom, independence, and conflict could come to the forefront of our daily life. For the past three years, my process with, or rather initiation into the Sabian Symbols has been to experience their energies, often through my immediate surroundings, synchronicities, and dreams, when they come to life through new moons, eclipses, and other important transits.

When I looked at the New Moon that precedes the US Elections on November 1st 2024, to gage the potential outcomes, the Sabian Symbol A Daughter of the American Revolution, stuck out, it will be activated through planet Mars during this New Moon, with Mars at 29°04’ of Cancer.

Mars can either be seen as a planet that symbolizes war, and division, or it can simply be understood as the planet of action, or in this case the manifestation of a certain energy in our world of matter.

The “manifestation” of this energy of this degree comes after initially having been activated with the New Moon of Cancer in 2023 ( July 17th, 2023 to be exact, considering the Kabbalistic calculation of the New Moon, which has the moon at 29/30 degrees of Cancer, and the sun at 24/25 degrees of Cancer: A dark shadow or mantle of power thrown suddenly over the right shoulder, I wrote about it here)

If we take a deeper look, these dates coincide with our recent election cycle, how uncanny is that?! At least in my personal life: after 3 years of seclusion, a more social, normal life found its way back into my little bubble last year, and so did Television, through my roommate, with its political discussions, senate hearings, and cultural conflicts (we could see the latter expressed in one of the main transits of 2023: Pluto square Nodes at An old Adobe Mission in California- announcing the ideological pressure cooker, we’re still in.


It didn’t come as a big surprise when a few weeks ago I discovered the work of Alan Green, a Shakespeare decoder, researcher, and author. His most recent work THE AMERICA CODES is a video series in which he expounds on never-before-revealed secrets about the Declaration of Independence and the idealism that went into the creation of the United States of America. It’s not about politics, it’s about much more than that.

Of course, while I’m listening to Alan Green, the Sabian Symbol of “A daughter of the American Revolution” pops into my mind again, yet, now it seems to reveal a much deeper layer than I could have possibly expected. It’s fascinating, In the America Codes Alan Green goes much further than any prior esoteric research has done before. I can’t tell you more here, but you can sign up for the series, and receive the videos that are released every 3 days, until the US Election.

If you are like me excited about the amazing spiritual potential that these times hold for humanity, you will enjoy Alan Green’s work:


To receive the videos: go to donations, on the donations page click on the America Codes: you will receive 22 videos during this election cycle, this is not political, it goes way beyond politics, you will see!