This Sabian Symbol can refer to creativity, fertility of ideas, growth of projects, and business ideas that may be ready for the next stage of development: The seed is growing into the knowledge it needs, through lessons, and life, meaning joy, abundance, dropping the seriousness, the stubbornness that was needed to get there. With this Symbol, we’re asked to have certainty in the rhythms of life and nature.
We can trust in the divine, natural timing if we can tune in, we know when to push forward, and when to release, let go and let God, Life is taking care of itself.
It’s a wonderful symbol that allows us to bask, if only for a moment, in the wisdom we gained through the struggle so far and rely on the certainty in the goodness of what is yet to come because we made it this far already, and we’ll continue to grow always into more knowledge, and more life.
Like the seed, you may have had to push through the dirt, and needed to persevere, but this symbol could indicate that you finally have made it through to the other side.
This symbol can appear after you went through a long period of inner work, or simply a period of darkness, where not much has been working. The time of pushing so hard may be coming to an end, at least temporarily, and you can let your guard down and enjoy the fruit of your work. Nothing is ever going to waste, everything is part of the growth process that is life.
Trust in divine timing, and prepare for the light, and air, you will be able to breathe again soon, and joyfully so.
The deeper meaning here is about the transformation of our core attributes, that may keep us from growing: the seed needs to be crushed for growth to occur. Total change is possible through knowledge: Know thyself!
Trusting Life, trusting divine timing, cycles and seasons, literal and spiritual growth, perseverance, abundance, hard-earned blessings, seeking the light, growing into maturity, joy, youthfulness, certainty, crushing pre-existing conditions.