This can be a beautiful degree, that speaks to supernatural perception and synchronicities, and also alludes to higher wisdom becoming available to those who seek, an unseen guiding hand through synchronous events. When we let go of the need for the logical mind to control our reality we open ourselves up to this magic and can receive guidance to our next highest step.
We can glimpse a different reality, the tree of life reality, the heart-based reality, or the sanctified reality, a reality that resides beyond cause and effect, and is always present. All we have to do is ask to tune into it through meditation, nature, art, and joy.
Of course, there is always also a lower octave to every symbol as well: “A materializing medium giving a seance” is the other name we find often associated with this symbol: At worst, this could speak of manipulation, and black magic, creating a web of illusions, or simply showing off.
Especially with Neptune transiting through this degree, we can expect the supernatural to become more normal, and the veil between the unseen reality and our 3D world is definitely lifting. Thought forms, energies, and beings that usually are not seen become apparent, sometimes they will take shape in physical form, sometimes just at the border of our perception, like light flashes, orbs, moving energies, and angelic presences or god forbid, demonic interference.
These energies can be unsettling, they can be dark, and very often dark thoughtforms or archetypal energies can take on a life of their own, catching us off guard.
The message here is to discern whether the phenomena point us toward light or dark. If dark, ask yourself if there is something within you that needs to be resolved so that it is no longer being projected outside and creating chaos in your life, what beliefs may cause these energies to be present? If you experience a psychic attack, please reach out, and we can direct you. The first step here is to know that these things are normal and very real and to not be afraid. We have many tools in our courses that teach how to deal with negative entities and psychic attacks.
Magic, subtle energies, mediumship, synchronicities, numbers, cloud formations, meaningful animal encounters, color codes, light flashes, materializations, telepathy, guidance, channeling, spirit, rainbows, books falling off the shelf, dreams, visions, angels, subtle energies, auras, mind over matter.
Mind control, manipulation, charlatanism, new age, spiritual bypassing, superficiality, showing off