Corinna Springer, Founder and CEO of KHORA Consulting, is a New York-based spiritual teacher, artist, and a channel for the Living Light.
In the course of her 20 years of experience with energy healing and spiritual studies, she has assisted dozens of people to find their path. Since the completion of her training as a Reiki Master/Teacher in 2006, Corinna has been studying extensively with many renowned mystery school teachers, healers, and guides, primarily with Judith K Moore, Zarazaiel Yovel, Paramatma Siri Sadhana, and Bhakti Sondra Shaye.
Originally motivated to heal her mother, Corinna has been going through her journey of awakening. In the process of catalyzing her emotions, she experienced a spontaneous activation into the Living Light Energy in 2014. She spent the last 10 years exploring and studying the energy and is now bringing it to others through weekly transmissions, regular training workshops, and initiations.