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This week I want to share with you a brief guide to the 4 main moon phases, the way I have been taught to work with them, inspired by the work of astrologer Laura Walker, and following my inner guidance. Here you go:

According to Laura Walker at the Oracle Report new astrological years start when the Sun and Moon make the conjunction in Aries - the first sign. This timekeeping does not start when the Sun moves into Aries. It is only when Sun and Moon meet up in Aries.

She says: “The Ancients knew it, and they understood that New Moons carry the “evolutionary cycles” or what we might call the music of the spheres. The Ancients knew that the planets have harmonic-electromagnetic properties that stimulate or set up circumstances and situations, and the world is steadily coming to this fact.”

April 11th we will have the new moon in Aries - this new moon will imprint the whole new astrological year. The Sabian symbol is also always of importance as it will influence the whole year as well: “A woman in pastel colors carrying a heavy and valuable but veiled load.”

This is open for interpretation but may suggest the birth of something very precious, maybe a project, a new way of being, in any case something that is private or happening behind the scenes. In my humble opinion, this could point to our collective awakening, maybe we need to be more private about certain things we know, or think of as truth, and that can be a heavy load sometimes.

After overcoming a severe and painful illness in 2013, one that left me with no other choice than a strict alkaline diet, a complete re-evaluation of my lifestyle habits as an NYC Fashion PR, and lots of inner work to understand why this was happening to me, I realized how important it is for us to be more in sync with nature and our circadian rhythm for optimal health and wellbeing.

I also realized back then the power that lies in following the moon phases for our inner spiritual work: Last month I began to schedule most of our events on KHORA to embrace the lunar cycle and their energetics for the most efficient way to work with these underlying energy currents:

The intensity of the incoming energies won’t let down, and our events are designed to help you integrate and harmonize by creating stability and what I call vertical alignment, for more peace within and without:

Your inner peace affects everyone around you and can be like a ripple effect for positive change.

New Moon

This phase signifies new beginnings and is especially great for setting intentions, as well as initiations.

On KHORA we will offer BINDING LIGHT New Moon Ceremonies, an art and prayer project that is led by Elana Langer, in which we bind our intentions together, and seed the quantum field with our dreams, and prayers for humanity, the planet, and each other.

First Quarter Moon

Exactly half of the Moon is illuminated and the other half is shadowed. This particular moon cycle signifies decision-making.

Inner work will be about perseverance, what we seeded at the New Moon is growing into a seedling and pushing through the earth. Obstacles may arise. Manifestation and gratitude work will be needed to keep us on our path.

Aiva Redflower is an excellent coach and will be an amazing guide for manifestation practices, and guided visualizations for this time of the month and beyond!

Full Moon

The Sun illuminates the entire moon. This particular moon cycle signifies illumination of the subconscious and unconscious forces that may run our lives and relationship dynamics: much can be brought to light now: We can use this time to do gain more clarity, we may receive information and signs in our environment and should be extra open to receive downloads. Theta Healing sessions, Channeling and Akashic Record Readings will be extra clear.

Book Dorothea Lucaci for a Theta Healing session to help reveal some blockages that may keep you stuck.

Third Quarter Moon

Exactly half of the Moon is illuminated and the other half is shadowed. This moon phase helps with releasing obsolete beliefs, the emotions and belief systems we may have unearthed during the full moon, could now be let go of through some more shadow work emotional release, vow breaks, and entity release. Letting go, surrender. Work with an energy Practitioner, someone who is not afraid of the perceived darkness: Gian Kamal is our specialist and she can be booked for 1-1 sessions, by donation.

If you want to learn more about all 8 phases I invite you to go to Zodiac Arts and for more info about Sabian Symbols go the Oracle Report