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As we move collectively more deeply into the experience of separation and Duality the only “way out” of Duality is through seeing duality, and then (paradoxically) accepting it. If you are already 100% in your heart at all times you don’t need to see this, but if you are like me using the mind and the outside experience which is also the mind, to consciously move into the heart again and again, then it may be helpful to read on. 

LOVE conquers all

As I’m learning to remember who I am and why I’m here, peeling the proverbial onion, i realize that there are 3 pillars of love: 

Love of self, love of others and love of the divine/nature/spirit. Yes of course they are all the same but since we are in duality we experience them very separately, for the most part through our ego separate self filter. The divine is seen as two polarities: siva and sakti, spirit and matter, shakti being divine matter. 

One of these sectors is usually more developed in our experience than the others, and our life lessons may have to do a lot with balancing and harmonizing where we lack love. Which really is mostly the lack of self love: if we do not fully and truly love ourselves we cannot love the other expressions of the divine. 

If the three are not in alignment but distorted within we create a distorted reality without. Looking at and working with the layers takes us more deeply into the universal love vortex, and we can use divine love to heal the other two. This is of course extremely simplified for the purpose of clarity: love towards others is in and of itself a vast subject, and we need to differentiate between inner and outer circles, and humanity at large. 

However, first and foremost most of us are lacking self love, it’s the trauma of the disconnect from the divine, that makes us feel separated and unworthy at our deepest mostly unconscious level of being. That then generates lack of love for others and the divine: at the unawakened or rather asleep state we are not so much aware of lack of any love, but as we shine light on the subconscious through intent, meditation, energy healing and activations the interactive process begins: 

And the first part of this journey of reconnecting to our divine blueprint likely leads us into the darkest recesses of lack of self love. 

Lack of self love is in deed a subconscious program, and only through looking at the experiences we create in our reality the situations with self and others that are reflecting back to us how much or how little we love and respect ourselves, can we make lack of self love more conscious and finally work on it. An example if you experience repeatedly being disrespected by others, maybe there is some subconscious part of you that does not fully respect you. 

To fully grasp this we have to understand that we are so much more than what our physical shell, and as such we are connected to all that is. 

Being the hybrid beings that we are, we are often here to clear karma, ancestral, soulgroup, and maybe even more collectively for humanity at large. We could even go so far as to include the planets and stars, that we embody through our astrological imprint and we are invited to bring them into balance. 

Its our soul’s plan, and especially during this present lifetime we have the grand opportunity to reconnect with the higher octaves of light and our divine essence. We chose this. 

Over the course of the last few years and especially through my personal work (and client work) i realized how important the integration of the subconscious is and with it the information stored within the subtle bodies, the astral (etheric) emotional, mental and spiritual to begin with. Again this is where we store trauma, past life, and other, its the intersection of the macro and the micro. And by changing our vibration and rehabilitating self to restore it to the divine blueprint we affect the macro. 

The Subconscious/ unconscious parts of our being work with words and their vibration, and to tell you the truth the data shows that the subconscious mind is extremely precise: guilt is not the same as shame, love unreceived not the same as disappointment or rejection. 

When we look at Richard Rudd’s work with the gene keys, what we realize is that at the shadow frequency, it is always lack of love for self or lack of love for others that plays out, in millions of different ways, in other words what he termed the repressive and reactive nature. Repressive tends to harm self reactive tends to harm others. We rarely have an equal balance of this phenomena, which leads us to the necessity of taking an honest look at that which seems to be predominant in this very moment. 

Take a few minutes to contemplate, on a scale of 1-10 where is your love for self, where is the love for others (inner and the outer circles). 


LOVE for others inner circle: 7 

LOve for humans in general: 5

divine love: 8

Go to the sector of the lowest number: Next think of what experiences and potential hurt, was caused to you or has been caused by you to others? Or if it’s source you are mad at? What are you blaming/ projecting on them / source ? 

Based on that lowest number go back to the number of assessment of self love: if the above is true then that number should not be higher. So then where can we go from here? 

This is longterm work - not a quick fix and using intent we can ask to be guided to find out the deeper layers of lack of self love: 

In order to work with these emotions and beliefs we need to make them apparent, identify them, and OBSERVE them: see the emotions and beliefs as “other” if we don’t make this differentiation,  we cannot release or integrate anything. It will just be a mush of dissonant undetected frequencies - lowering the vibration of our whole being. 

If like MOST we are lacking Self Love it is helpful to see SELF also as an outside energy: as a remedy maybe we can see ourselves as our etheric double, our inner child, our higher self. I personally only was able to go to deeper levels of self love when i realized that i needed to relate to myself as something more abstract. And unearth emotions in a horizontal fashion towards that “other” and i came up against blockages with the inner child until i realized i needed to start somewhere else. 

The remedy seems to be to bring in the concepts of Divine Love and spiritual practice : 

Why? In my humble experience, spirit gave us many religions, teachings and faiths to reconnect to the divine, during the Kali yuga: i believe krishna says in the bagavad gita in order to get through the Kali yuga more smoothly chant mantras (to reconnect with spirit) in the same fashion the god of the Hebrews gave them the Torah and the Zohar to reconnect to the divine. And in one of the youngest religions, sikhism we have the lineage of the gurus that is also embodied as harimandir Sahib the holy scriptures compiling sacred teachings, poetry praising the divine written by the 9 gurus. 

In catholicism we have the blood of christ and the new testament and in all of them the rituals that go with it. 

What is important to remember here is that the representation through any type of form is not the source but just a reflection of the pure light of creator. What the negative influences on our planet have made of these teachings, is a different story: they distorted and inverted the original meaning and the original blueprint to create a system of hatred and control, selling the people their own false gods an imposter gods superposed onto the true divine human nature. 

Whereas we may benefit from seeing self as other, in order to relate, the opposite seems to be true for the Divine, seeing the divine as other or an abstract concept is challenging for most, but seeing the divine in nature and IN others maybe a hack: Seeing the divine expressed through sacredness, in other beings, gods and goddesses, angels but also inherent in mantra and sacred objects etc can be a tool, to help us better relate to this very abstract concept. 

Right there lies a lot of our work, because true universal love and heartbased reality can only exist when all three pillars are addressed: 

Once two are healed, then we can move into deeper levels of Love.

Based on all the beautiful ancient teachings we are invited to connect to divine love for guidance and intentional work: Our reconnection to the divine blueprint, the original tree of life including the light of source, can reveal more of the work that needs to be done to heal, balance, integrate and harmonize, generating  more love towards self and others over time. 

The mission of Khora is to help us grow through using the third pillar the connection to the divine to rehabilitate our love for self, others, the planet, and humanity at large. 

Through showing that the (forced) disconnect from the divine has been the cause for our malaise. And the aim to reconnect to source through all the practices available at this time ranging from shadow work to energy healing and initiations of the higher subtle bodies to bring more of the divine self into our body, by creating the central column of light connecting us to the stars and symbolically to spirit, and to the earth, through our heart, lighting the flame in the heart of humanity.